Tuesday, February 20, 2007

D-minus 58 and counting

This photo is one that Jeremy took on his last trip to India. It is in my dreams until I get to see the real thing.
I will be spending approximately 3 months volunteering in a hospital outside Sivakasi in Tamil Nadu, India. I will spend most of my time in the maternity area as that is where most of my experience lies. I will also be able to spend some time studying at an Ayurvedic hospital to learn some of the Ayurvedic medical culture. This is one of my lifelong dreams and promises to give me invaluable experience and tools I can use when I return home.

I have just had the first of 3 installments of my final immunization: Japanese Encephalitis. Had to wait in the office for 30 minutes prior to leaving to guard against side effects. None. Extra time was good for knitting.

My visa arrived a few days ago and my travel arrangements have been made.
My dear Larry gave me the most romantic assortment of Valentine gifts imaginable: a water purifier, mosquito netting and insect spray!
I have 4 fundraisers lined up: a talk at the Ute Pass Library on March 12, 7 pm, during which people may order prints of any of the slides I use in the presentation; taking bids on a Peacock spinning wheel and possibly a Thumbelina as well (contact me for details); 2 workshop sessions for beginning or intermediate knitters being held at the Holy Rosary Chapel in Cascade on March 10 and 31. Suggested donation of $20 each. Both 2 hour workshops will be held at 1pm and both are on Saturdays. The first workshop will be "Knuts and Bolts Knitting" with 7 different cast-ons and 3 different cast-offs/finishings plus 2 modes of invisible seams. The second workshop will be more knitting engineering, with instruction on how to read charts and how to re-engineer a pattern to use different yarn. Anyone interested in attending any of the events should email me to sign up so that I can know how many folks will be attending.
In addition, if anyone just feels like making a small donation to defray the costs of getting me there, getting the immunizations, buying lab coats, ground transports, etc. you can do so using PayPal and my email address. Thank you so much in advance to all participants in any of the events!!